
I had never thought much about the value of life being unpredictable. I have always subscribed to the tenant that nothing stays the same forever and as such, what is good will pass and what is bad will pass.

You can look at unpredictability as scary, something you avoid at all costs, play it safe. And I suppose this makes sense if you are a risk averse person like me. But what I think better defines unpredictability is the ever changing nature of life. Sometimes change is quick and sometimes it’s slow, but it is inevitable. It is also what makes life rich, keeps us pushing forward and curious, challenges us and keeps us human.

Unpredictability is what makes casinos so addictive. The opportunity to win is within reach with each roll of the dice, spin of the roulette wheel or slot machine. You may win, you may not, that is the unpredictable allure. Social media also provides this allure of unpredictability—keeps us scrolling to find the next viral video or post.

We are seeing a surge in sports betting driven by the ability now to collect infinite amounts of data about every shot, pass, putt, drive, etc., and all in real time. Micro bets  allow you to place money on the quick outcome of the next play, the epitome of unpredictability.

Even if you are not one to bet on sports, merely watching provides a rush of the unknown, the unpredictable. Games can turn on a dime with an injury to a player, a poor call by a referee, the unexpected grand slam or hat trick. You just never know.

Twists in movies (think Sixth Sense) and books (The Silent Patient) are great examples of unpredictability. What we think is true or real gets turned upside down. 

Our own lives may not be a movie or be played out on a sports field but nonetheless our lives are unpredictable. Even the days that are planned and scheduled out can be thrown into chaos at the drop of a hat. Or they can unexpectedly flow like a river. And this is a good thing. 

Embrace the unpredictability of each day with courage, with curiosity, and with a sense of adventure. If unpredictable is stressful, flip the narrative and look at it as an opportunity to challenge yourself. Only you can write the script.